HNECC Primary Health Network


Hunter New England Central Coast
Primary Health Network (HNECCPHN)



    • Stakeholder Engagement
    • Key Message Development


To combat the negative health and well-being impacts of overweight and obesity by developing key evidence-based messages that support the Regional Health Partners Healthy Weight Strategy. Messages will be delivered by all sectors across the continuum of care in the Hunter, New England, and Central Coast regions. 


To curb Australia’s current obesity crisis by changing behaviours toward healthier lifestyles. 



  • Health providers now have access to a cohesive evidence-based messaging framework that supports the Addressing Overweight and Obesity Project
  • Through health providers, the public are encouraged and enabled to make healthy and nutritious food choices and get physical activity
  • The opportunity to further this project with a expanded scope of work.



  1. Together with the HNECCPHN and NSW Regional Health Partners we mapped critical time points and identified the right personnel to deliver messaging regarding overweight and obesity.
  2. Conducted in-depth stakeholder engagement and research with health professionals, through workshops, surveys and phone interviews.
  3. Conducted in-depth desktop research and developed an insights report showcasing the common themes and existing projects.
  4. Developed a cohesive messaging framework and stakeholder communication matrix.
  5. Developed evidence-based key messages for each identified audience segment, at the relevant times points that can be delivered consistently by all sectors across the continuum of care.


The opportunity to further this project with a expanded scope of work.

Get in Touch

Have a project you'd like to discuss? Simply fill in the form below and one of our team members will be in touch. If you have something more urgent then call us on 1300 C7EVEN. 

Have a project you'd like to discuss? Simply fill in the form below and one of our team members will be in touch. If you have something more urgent then call us on 1300 C7EVEN.