Cootamundra – Gundagai Regional Council


Cootamundra – Gundagai Regional Council



  • Strategy Development
  • PR & Communications
  • Community & Stakeholder Engagement


C7EVEN was engaged to facilitate an extensive consultation exercise for Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council to inform the Council’s 10 Year Community Strategic Plan and associated operational plans.


  1. To engage with the community to inform the 10-year Community Strategic Plan
  2. To increase public participation on the previous Community Strategic Plan engagement activities
  3. Enhance Council’s reputation and increase positive perception through improved community consultation


C7EVEN’s comprehensive Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan achieved:

  • A high percentage of touchpoints throughout the region with 7,866 people engaged (70.42% of the region’s population)
  • A robust foundation for the development of the 2022/32 CSP
  • An empowered community which played an integral role in determining the goals, strategies and actions to be undertaken by Council in the next 10 years


We were thrilled to be recognised and awarded a PRIA Golden Target Award for our stakeholder engagement for this project – read more here




Using the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework and the IPA2 Public Participation Spectrum C7EVEN developed an in-depth stakeholder engagement and consultation strategy to identify, collect and analyse information provided by the community to produce a draft Community Strategic Plan.

C7EVEN engaged with the community over a four-month period using various traditional and innovative channels to reach a large portion of the community and exceed the engagement levels from previous years.

  1. Strategy — C7EVEN developed a best practice stakeholder engagement plan outlining the best approach for each stakeholder group including hard-to-reach members of the community.
  2. Engagement — C7EVEN engaged directly with stakeholders through face-to-face pop-up consultations, in-person and virtual workshops with community groups, and the use of online survey’s and communication channels to gain their feedback and input into Council strategies for the next 10 years.
  3. Community Survey — C7EVEN developed an online survey to seek feedback from the community on what they see as priority areas for Council. Printed copies were also made available.
  4. Print, Digital and Radio — A community newsletter was distributed by council which included the full survey along with a CSP engagement postcard with QR code to the online survey. Businesses and schools were provided with posters and colouring in sheets respectively and advertisements were run in the local newspaper. Social media was utilised on the Councils owned channels. A series of radio and print advertisements were run across the region to encourage the public to have their say.
  5. PR and Media Management — C7EVEN provided editorial content to village newsletters and managed media communications including media releases encouraging input and reporting on outcomes. We managed all media communications, including media releases, interviews with local media outlets.


Get in Touch

Have a project you'd like to discuss? Simply fill in the form below and one of our team members will be in touch. If you have something more urgent then call us on 1300 C7EVEN. 

Have a project you'd like to discuss? Simply fill in the form below and one of our team members will be in touch. If you have something more urgent then call us on 1300 C7EVEN.